Well it's all been said and done now. The first ever MDJCL Autumnalia celebration has been concluded. And the EB put a lot of hard work and time into making it come to life. So if you went to it and you liked it, send them some feedback by going here and e-mailing, one, more, or all of them. Since we will probably be doing this again next year, constructive critism is welcomed by those who attended. Well I(and I am sure the rest of the EB will agree with me on this one) thank those who attended. Well now that this is done, and Autumnalia over, I'm going back to bed for the next month or so. TTFN, Brian.
There is EB meeting tentativly scheduled for February 13. We will discuss what to do to get new member chapters, and what to do at State Convention. Once I get the minutes from them, I will stick them up on the webpage.
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