Maryland Junior Classical League Executive Board Meeting-October 1, 1988

Officers in Attendance:
Matt Webb-President
Samip Patel-Vice president
Krystyna Zaremba-Secretary
Brain Ballantine- Webmaster
Liz Humphries- Historian
Jason Ramboz- Editor
Danny Haile- Parliamentarian
Nina Humphries- Executive Assistant
Ms. Brogan- CO-Chair
Ms. Carter- CO-Chair


Registration estimates were discussed - more information is needed, but will come available once the schools send in their registration forms "The Meeting House" layout was reviewed and all of the officers were prompted as to where each activity would take place Matt and the officers reviewed the spreadsheet of the schedule as well as room and officer assignments


Jason- Teaching materials
Liz- Teaching Materials Display
Brian- Roman Wedding
Liz - Ludi Mentis
Nina - Wedding Reception
Samip- Ludi Corporis
Danny- Latin Club Workshop
Liz- Illa Oblectatio Est


We decided to wait until the registration forms are in before assigning what to buy

Latin Teacher Placement and Medusa Exam:

Matt handed out a tentative brochure that he and Ms. Mitchell worked on We discussed that Ms. Davison handed out a survey We were updated that Ms. Davison had contacted several public and parochial schools to compile a list of Latin teacher positions in Maryland No such changes from the August President’s report on the Medusa Exam

Website Update:

A NEW address for the website: Numerous "Demons" were plaguing the website, so a new company is going to be used allow both our Webmaster and our Editor to access the page

Historian Update:

Liz reviewed various pictures that are going in the scrapbook Liz displayed two designs that she had worked on for the upcoming T-shirt The T-shirt will be dark blue and the lettering will hopefully be silver The front design was unanimously voted to be the "Comet" design

Newsletter Update:

We reviewed the old newsletter
Jason will have the next issue done ASAP

September Officer Reports:

Since we just had a meeting, Matt decided there was no need for September reports

Next Meeting:

Set for Sat. November 7, 1998 at the Meeting House
